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The Joinery Features Portland Art Museum Pieces


The Joinery is proud to announce a partnership with the Portland Art Museum’s rental sales gallery. The Joinery will be displaying local artists work in our downtown showroom and rotating the featured pieces on a quarterly basis.

Whats Over the Hill

Save the date – October 24th! Stop in and meet several of the local artists at The Joinery’s Fall Portland Art Museum Event, sponsored by Oregon Home Magazine.

— Saturday, October 24th
— The Joinery, 922 SW Yamhill
— 12-2 pm
— A to Z Wines, Hopworks Beer and dessert bites from New Seasons Market
— Swag bags, courtesy of Oregon Home Magazine, while supplies last

The Rental Sales Gallery was founded in 1959 as a nonprofit gallery to help promote public awareness of Oregon arts by showcasing regional artists. At present, more than 250 artists are represented in the Gallery, all from Oregon and the Vancouver, Washington area. All artwork is original and juried.