
Our July e-newsletter

Oregon Home magazine
July 2009
  Please enjoy this edition
of Oregon Home magazine's
monthly e-newsletter!

this issue:

The George Morlan Story
Our Showroom

The George Morlan story began during another economic downturn—the Great Depression—when George went to work as a plumber with nothing but his truck and one helper. But, despite the times, business grew and the first plumbing store opened in Portland (5529 S.E. Foster Road) in 1935. Soon, electric water heaters were being introduced into homes and George Morlan became known as “The Water Heater King!”®.

In the late 1980’s, seven more stores opened throughout Oregon, giving the customer even more locations to find the largest selection of plumbing fixtures, parts and supplies in the Pacific Northwest. Today, the company employs more than 200 people and is nationally-recognized as the leading plumbing retailer in the nation.

Visit George Morlan Plumbing Supply today for a list of locations, web specials, products and more information.

George Morlan
New Cabinetry Showroom Opens in the Pearl District
Craft and Design

Craft & Design, purveyors of fine cabinetry, recently opened a new showroom in Portland’s Pearl District.

Craft & Design uses national manufacturers and local craftsmen to create exciting spaces for the home. They feature St. Charles, Omega and KraftMaid cabinetry. Koru Cabinetry is Craft & Design’s own eco-friendly frameless bamboo cabinetry line locally manufactured in Hood River, Ore. Additionally, Craft & Design provides all types of countertops, including environmentally-friendly products; natural stone and woods; and unique, decorative details.

Craft & Design

“We are committed to providing creative cabinetry design solutions for every room in the home,” remarks Wendy Anderson, general manager. “Utilizing environmentally responsible products with careful attention to detail, we work with clients to match their room with their vision and budget.”

The new Craft & Design Pearl District showroom is located at 1427 N.W. Raleigh St., Portland. Please call 503-224-5820 or visit www.craftanddesigncabinetry.com for more information.

Talk and Trade Secrets

17 Tips For Great Master Bathrooms

A tiled shower room. A rainforest showerhead. A soaking tub you can truly hunker down in. His-and-her sinks. A heated travertine floor. If you’re steaming for a new master bathroom, these are undoubtedly some of the features you’re going to try to squeeze into the space. Oregon Home asked a tilesetter, two designers and an architect for ways to do the room right.

S.E. Belmont St.

Way less hip than its tattooed sister shopping mecca—the Hawthorne District—one main drag to the south, S.E. Belmont St. is a fresh mix of boutiques in which new and vintage house stuff share a store with cupcakes, or tea from afar is sold next to one of the city’s best tea bars.



For the first time, the NW NATURAL STREET OF DREAMS is going urban. This year’s show will take place in the Pearl District of Portland and will feature approximately 10 high-rise condos priced between $1 million and $4 million. Most of the homes include eco-friendly construction, materials and furnishings.
DATES: Aug. 1 to 30
LOCATION: Various condominiums in the Pearl District, Portland

The Architectural Heritage Center (AHC) is now participating in the Central Eastside Arts District's FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK. The AHC galleries will stay open later, and beginning in April will feature something special for the art-walking crowd each month. Stop in at the AHC and then check out the other galleries and venues in the neighborhood!
DATES: First Friday of every month

LOCATION: The Architectural Heritage Center (701 S.E. Grand Ave.), Portland



During this NATURAL LAWN CARE presentation, you’ll discover the secrets to growing a beautiful lawn without using harmful pesticides or polluting fertilizers.
DATE: Sept. 12
LOCATION: Metro’s Natural Gardening Techniques Garden (6800 S.E. 57th Ave.), Portland.

At the 2009 BUILD IT GREEN! HOME TOUR, learn about the latest green building ideas, whether you’re planning to build a new home or remodeling an older one. Past years’ tours have included information on intensive reuse of building materials, affordable housing and more.
DATE: Sept. 19

LOCATION: The tour includes several homes in the Portland metro area. Portland’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability sponsors the event.
For more information:

From our Digital Libraries

The Southern Oregon Vacation Guide is dedicated to just one idea: To make sure you know the wonders of Southern Oregon.

View Jordan Schrader Ramis PC’s new digital newsletter Off the Record. The Spring 2009 issue focuses on building green and more.

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