The Santiam Heritage Foundation’s 11th annual garden tour takes place this year on Sunday June 26 between noon and 5 PM. Visit seven beautiful gardens while at the same time supporting the restoration of the Charles and Martha Brown House and garden.
The Santiam Heritage Foundation is working diligently to complete the restoration of the Charles and Martha Brown House, a 1903 Queen Anne home in downtown Stayton. This historic home, which once served as the community hospital, had fallen into shameful disrepair, and was considered for destruction. With foresight and determination, local residents joined together to form the Foundation, acquire the property, and begin the incredible task of restoring it to the point that it would be a neighborhood resource facility and treasure trove of heritage and history. The dilapidated exterior has been restored to its original grandeur. Interior restoration continues slowly by steadily. Soon it will be available to serve the community.
Tickets go on sale for $10 on May 20 at The Bird & Hat Inn and Jensen-Kreitzer Family Clothing in downtown Stayton.
More information: 503.769.8860 or