Pullet Days at Portland’s Pistils Nursery is a not-to-be-missed event. Come see the pullets (hens that are less than a year old) and maybe even start your own backyard brood. Pullets are perfect for backyard chicken keepers because you get the fun of your own eggs without the hassle of caring for fragile chicks.
At “Pistils Pullet Days,” we’ll have a vast range of breeds in many beautiful colors and unique shapes and sizes on-display and for-sale from very well-respected and passionate local chicken breeders, who are more than willing to talk shop. Even if you’re not an avid chicken keeper, stopping by Pistils on our “Pullet Days” is sure to be a unique and enjoyable experience. Bring your “little ones!”
Where: Pistils Nursery
More information: [email protected], pistilsnursery.com, 503.288.4889
When: May 26 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.