5 Ways Swim Spas Can Transform Your Health

What if you could exercise right outside your door, surrounded by the trees in your yard, all while enjoying the therapeutic benefits of water? Swim spas offer such an option, and at only four feet deep and between 12-19 feet in length, they are a compact, versatile choice for adults and children alike who want to stay active and unwind right at home.

Transforming an Energy Eater Into an Energy Gem

woodshome1When it comes to energy efficiency, it’s the attention to detail that separates the pale green from the emerald green projects. Marc Hoffman was looking for an emerald green solution. That’s why he wanted Ed Hesse and his firm, Mac-Bo, on the project when he went in search of his dream home.

Twin Kitchens

twins1This scenario might as well be the plot for a kitchen-themed Hollywood comedy: Twin sisters Jackie and Kathie have the same design-build firm remodel their kitchens, but — as much as they like to emphasize their individuality — they each make many of the same design choices in the process.

A Bungalow Opens to New Possibilities

craftsman1At first glance, some smaller homes seem too cramped for comfort, but with creative collaboration, they can gain a sense of spaciousness and ease. Such was the case with the 1,500-square foot bungalow owned by Scott and Tracey McCulloch.

A Functional Basement

willco2Not long ago, doing laundry for Mike and Michelle Connolly involved navigating a set of aging stairs and entering a dark, slightly foreboding unfinished basement where their washer and dryer were housed.