Autumn interest
The fall garden can be as showy and vibrant as the summer spectacular. It’s all in knowing how to plant for the season.
Taking root
Community gardens are thriving as Oregonians discover the benefits of growing their own organic produce and working alongside neighbors.
Hottest gardening trends and container tips
People often ask me three questions: “What’s in your garden?” “How can I grow my own vegetables?” and “What if I have limited time?” To which I enthusiastically respond: “Container gardens!” Here are some tips to help create a vibrant garden in as little as one hour per week. I’ll also share some of this year’s hottest gardening trends.
Helping little shoots grow
For the past several weeks, I’ve been at Bridgeport Village as part of the VaVa Bloom event with some of Oregon Home’s garden experts, who have been giving demonstrations on various garden topics. The first week was fruit tree expert Jim Gilbert, and for the past two weeks, Nancy Goldman has been holding court.
Garden of delights
Jacqueline Thomas wanted her home store to feel homey, like walking into your grandmother’s house as a child.
Heavenly hybrids
Gardeners have Eugene nursery owners Marietta and Ernie O’Byrne to thank for a new generation of glorious hellebores.