A time for renewal

2012OctNov EditorsPage 02Most people see spring as the time of rejuvenation, but for me, the right time to refresh is autumn.

True to Belluschi

2012OctNov TrueToBelluschi 01Westwind Farm, one of the celebrated Portland architect’s last homes, undergoes a historically sensitive kitchen remodel.

History lesson

2012OctNov HistoryLesson 01A builder falls in love with a 100-year-old house and restores it in exquisite historical detail.

Room remix

2012OctNov RoomRemix 01A Eugene couple adds space for family gatherings and dancing to their own beat.

Autumn interest

The fall garden can be as showy and vibrant as the summer spectacular. It’s all in knowing how to plant for the season.

Recipe for style

2012OctNov RecipeForStyle 01The mix of natural stone and dark wood gives this kitchen a “kind of Northwest, organic, modern lodge look,” says Tammy Lefever, president of Interior Motives.

Rug rave

2012OctNov RugRave 01Handwoven, antique, overdyed — the beauty of rugs lies in the varied techniques that transform your floor into art.

Age appropriate

2012OctNov AgeAppropriateMake updates with an eye toward aging in place.